Our Latest Podcast
James Smith and Diren Kartal join Al on the latest episode of #PullThePin to discuss success, fitness, pregnancy pillows and if Diren will ever get a blue tic
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Pulling the pin on...Nick Whitcombe and all things lockdown, the closure of gyms and Nick's parkour past

Pulling the pin on... Diren Kartal and Paul Olima and what would win out of an ostrich or a kangaroo.

Pulling the pin on...Gravity with the real life Iron Man Richard Browning

Pulling the pin on... Diversity with Alan and Ashley & Jordan Banjo

Pulling the pin on... Paul Wallace

Pulling the pin on... Steve Bartlett

Pulling the pin on…The Haskells and their weird and wonderful life

Pulling the pin on...Start ups with Alex Archibald and Beth Tomlinson

Pulling the pin on...Failure with Alan Barratt, Karl Lokko and Tyrone Brennand

Pulling the pin on...Content with Alan Barratt, Liv Cooke & Alex Partridge