Christmas is well and truly over *sad face* and the time has come to make (and break!) your New Years resolutions. Statistics show that 80% of resolutions fail by February*, with unrealistic promises of hitting the gym every day and living off salad for the foreseeable future all being broken long before January is over.
Here at Grenade®, we’re all about helping you meet your goals. Maybe you want to smash that PB you’ve been working towards or run 5K without stopping – Mo Farrah, eat your heart out! Maybe you want to join a sports team or workout class? Or perhaps your calling is finishing off a jar of Carb Killa spread in one sitting – true talent, in our opinion. Whatever it is you want to achieve in 2019, here are a few handy motivation tips to see you through the January blues and beyond!
“I’ve put on so much weight over Christmas.”
“I can’t lift as heavy as I used to.”
“It's been ages since I went to my spin class - I can't possibly go back now!"
Our first, and possibly hardest tip to follow, is: do not dwell. This attitude gets you nowhere. So, you’ve let yourself go a little? Who doesn’t over the festivities?! Concentrate on moving forward and getting back on track rather than moping. It’s a tough one to master but once you realise focusing on the past won’t change it, you can move on and smash your goals.
Aiming to lose three stone in January isn’t realistic. Neither is setting yourself the evil task of hitting the gym for a 5:30am circuit class seven days a week. Be reasonable. Set attainable goals that challenge you but aren’t impossible. Setting unrealistic goals will only knock your confidence because, if you don’t meet them, you’ll feel like a failure.

Gym sessions, workout classes, activities – even a lunch time walk with a colleague. Schedule them in. Physically plotting these events into your diary will make them feel “official” and you’ll feel as if you can’t miss them. Pre-booking classes is also a great way to up your attendance as many of us are less likely to miss out when we’ve already forked out. Planning a workout with a friend is also a good way to ensure your commitment – you’re less likely to let a friend down than yourself.
Keeping a record of how you’re getting on is vital when working towards a goal. Maybe you want to try and eat a more varied diet – try keeping a food diary. Maybe you want to be more active during the day (this is a common goal for those working in sedentary jobs). Try investing in a fitness tracker and keeping tabs on your steps. For those keen to build muscle, lose weight or change the shape of their body – try taking regular progress photos.
Whatever your goal, keeping a record of your progress is a great way to look back at your achievements. When you’re in the moment, it can feel as if little has changed. Taking a look back at the progress you’ve made can be the only motivation you need to continue.
A new activity or food is the perfect way to spark passion and motivation. Give a new workout class and go and, you never know, you might love it and end up attending a few times a week. Or why not rustle up a healthy new dish for your dinner? Creating nutritious but tasty meals that you enjoy will encourage you to continue eating healthily. It'll also encourage you to try more recipes and ingredients – win!

When you’re working hard towards a goal, it can be easy to restrict yourself. But a treat now and then never hurt anyone! If you plan on upping your fitness sessions each week, invest in some new workout clothes. Not only will you feel more confident during the sessions, but you’re more likely to attend if it means trying out your new items!
If you plan on cutting back after a calorific Christmas, remember to factor in a treat or two into your plan. This could be a takeaway on a Friday night, a few biscuits with your afternoon cup of tea or letting loose and having a few drinks over the weekend. Restricting yourself to salads and veggies all day, every day soon becomes boring and you’ll be more likely to binge and fall of the wagon. Plus, life’s all about balance – if you really want the cake, eat the cake!
Feeling motivated? We hope these tips will help you make 2019 the best it can be. For more motivation tips, head over to our blog to read our 7 tips to smash your workouts.