Ah January. Let’s face it, it’s not the most popular month of the year. Christmas has cleared out your bank account and, with payday seemingly light years away, forking out on a fancy gym membership in order to smash your New Years resolution just isn’t an option.
Before you throw in the towel and blame your failed attempts at getting fit on an empty wallet, remember you can get fit for free! Stay tuned to find out our top tips on how you can get active this January without breaking the bank.
Grab a free gym pass
Throughout January, many gyms offer free passes for a day or, sometimes, a whole week! It’s a great way for them to showcase their offering and entice potential custom but, for you, it’s a great way to make the most of their facilities at no cost!
Follow an online workout
Social media is awash with bloggers, vloggers and celebrities offering free workout videos and advice. Gone are the days where you’d rush out to buy the latest Z-list celebrity workout DVD. Now, it only takes a quick scroll on Instagram to stumble across the blogger of the moment’s new five-minute HIIT workout. Take advantage of this free content and give these workouts a go in the comfort of your living room.
Start running
If you’re strapped for cash, dust off your running shoes and head out on a gentle jog. If you’re feeling determined, do some hill sprints for a more intense workout. Running is so accessible – you can run pretty much anywhere!

Create your own circuit
You don’t have to be a fitness pro to be familiar with the dreaded burpee. Throw in a round of squat jumps and press ups and you’ve basically created your own circuit. Body weight exercises can be just as effective as hitting the weights at the gym! But be sure to do at least three rounds of each exercise to really benefit. You can set up your circuit anywhere – in your garden or at the local park are good places to start, weather permitting!
Start skipping
It’s not a boxing staple for nothing! Skipping can burn more than 10 calories per minute, while also strengthening the legs, glutes, arms and shoulders. You may need to splash out initially but skipping ropes can be purchased for as little as a few pounds and, once brought, you can skip to your hearts content!

Join a sports team
Local social clubs and community centres often have their own sports teams, giving you the chance to play football, netball and more! Many are free to join and some charge a small fee but it’s the perfect chance to get fit and make a few new friends while you’re at it!
So, how will you be getting fit this year? Tag us in your fitness ventures over on Instagram: @grenadeofficial. If you’re still suffering from the post-Christmas blues, head over to our blog for our top tips on how you can find the motivation to slay your workouts.