You’d be forgiven in thinking that self-care is just another craze. An Instagram hash tag to type beneath your trendy avo and egg breakfast combo. But, trust us on this one – self-care isn’t something to turn your nose up at. It’s really important.
If you’re feeling a little down in the dumps, a bit overwhelmed or simply not yourself, then it’s time to brush up on how you practice your self-care. So, set that phone on silent, get comfy and read these six tips on how you can start taking care of numero uno.
Sounds obvious but we all need to get a good nights sleep if we’re to function properly. And, with 20% of Brits dozing off well after midnight, it’s no surprise that many of us are, well, knackered. Aim to get your head down at a reasonable time each night, especially during the week. If you find it hard to nod off, trying setting the scene – think candles, a chill out playlist, anything that relaxes you and gets you ready to snooze. Getting enough sleep is guaranteed to improve your mood and better equip you to deal with stress.

Right next to that all big deadline and that social gathering you simply cannot miss, make some space in your diary for some all important ‘me time’. This’ll be different for everyone. Some like to take the time out for a solo sweat sesh, while others would rather lounge on the sofa doing sweet f-all. Either way, make sure you book in some time with number one to do whatever takes your fancy. Prioritising yourself and your needs is an essential reminder of how important you are and it’ll give you the opportunity to recharge, especially important if life’s a little hectic.
Life’s too short. If you want the cake, have the cake! Treat yourself! This isn’t to say you need to gorge on sugary snacks every time you’re feeling a little low but, if you’ve met a goal or survived a particularly crappy day, then treat yourself. This could be taking the plunge and splurging on that pair of trainers you’ve been spying for, like, ever. Or, it could be as simple as heading out to buy the ingredients to cook up your fave meal for dinner. Take the time to celebrate your achievements and soothe your sadness – you’ll thank yourself.
We’re all guilty of being a little bit ‘woe is me’. You know those times where the end of the world is in clear sight and the littlest inconvenience could rival WW2? Stop, take a breath, grab a pen and write down five things you’re grateful for. It could be your family, your friends or even the fact you managed to bag that last parking space in the work car park. Simply thinking about the positives can put things into perspective.

Now, we’re not saying you need to become some kind of recluse in order to grasp this self-care thing. But, if you don’t want to go to the party, politely decline. If you don’t want to go for drinks after work with the colleagues you secretly can’t stand, say you’re busy. Maybe you’re being told to go for the ‘healthy option’ rather than the burger and fries your stomach is craving – say NO and make your own choices. You’ll be 10x happier for it.
Now, this is easier said than done. Because, who can say no to that inescapable buzz of a Whats App notification? Learn to shut off completely, especially during your ‘me time’. Taking a step back from all things digital can help you re-immerse yourself back into the simple things in life. An evening walk after dinner, a OTT bath (the more bubbles, candles and snacks, the better) or even just escaping in a good book, podcast or TV series. Put your phone down, shut your laptop and allow yourself to completely zone out.
And, voila. Easy peasy. Stop putting yourself at the bottom of your priority list and start making time for number one. Yep, it’s tough, but we hope these six steps help!
Looking for more well-being tips? Find out whether exercise can relieve stress over on our blog. We also discuss the benefits of yoga and how this exercise can benefit your mind as well as your body.